5 Rules to a Successful Life

This is not some secret success formula that I created…..

Photorealistic 3D sky-high succress street sign

In fact, many of you probably already know this; you just might need to be reminded…..
Sometimes we get caught up in the day to day stresses of work and life that we forget what life is really all about…..

Today I thought I would give you a little reminder, because sometimes that’s all we need to get refocused…


My top 5 rules to a successful life……


Rule 1 . SURROUND YOURSELF WITH AWESOME PEOPLE- If you have awesome, optimistic, happy, and energetic people in your life, success will be right around the corner. However, if you surround yourself with people who are negative, lazy, pessimistic, and full of excuses you will find yourself following their lead. Make your group a positive and strong one.  They should support and push you towards excellence and continue to motivate you to exceed even your own expectations.  With a strong support system all dreams are possible!


Rule 2. WORK HARD – Hard work always pays off. Read books, listen to podcasts, invest in your own education, and remember what Malcom Gladwell said, “if you want to be world class in anything, it takes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice.”   If you want to accomplish incredible things you need to put forth incredible effort.  The path to success is a narrow one filled with obstacles.  Begin to see these obstacles as opportunities to grow and improve and watch your successes start to pile up.


Rule 3. MASTER YOUR MINDSET- Too many people give up and feel that they can’t do something just because it’s hard or they didn’t have immediate success the first time they tried.  Where would Michael Jordan or Oprah Winfrey be if they gave up because they thought they couldn’t do it?  Remember the infamous Zig Ziglar quote “If you can dream it, you can achieve it”



Rule 4. Live the motto “THERE ARE ONLY GOOD DAYS AND GREAT DAYS”- Too often we forget about what really matters in life and we complain about our bosses, co-workers, traffic….INSERT TODAY’S COMPLAINT HERE.  Instead of complaining, be grateful and think  wow if that’s the worst that happened to me today then I am pretty damn lucky because somewhere out there someone is really having a bad day; maybe they lost a loved one or were diagnosed with any one of thousands of deadly diseases.


Rule 5. PAY IT FORWARD –Giving back is one of the greatest things you can ever do and it doesn’t require money.  It requires passion and generosity! Share your knowledge and wisdom to help others who may not be as lucky as you. Be that awesome person who motivates, encourages, and helps others to be successful and you will be pretty damn successful yourself!


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